Approximate Dates of Availability:
Mid-August: Jersey Mac, Paula Red
Late August: Gingergold, Jonamac, Honeycrisp
Mid September: Honeycrisp, Gala, Fuji, McIntosh
Late September: Cortland, Empire, Goldern Supreme, Jonathon, Red Delicious
Early October: Golden Delicious, Ida Red, Northern Spy, Jonagold
To get the most up to date information about our apples go to our HOME page. Or to get on our Call List for when your favorite variety comes in, please call the Cider Mill at 248-634-8981 .
Prices for 2023:
1/4Peck-$4.50, (Honeycrisp $9)
1/2 Peck-$8 (Honeycrisp $16)
Peck-$11 (No Honeycrisp)
Honeycrisp are only sold in 1/4 peck and 1/2 peck bags.
Pack and Tote
1/4 Peck-$4.00
1/2 Peck-$7
1/2 Bushel-$18
No Honeycrisp in our Pack and Tote
Learn About Apples!

Northern Spy - Intriguing name, yet this apple is a professional baker’s dream! An
antique apple still popular because of tart, acidic properties that cook up well in applesauce, pie and other dishes. A hard apple that ripens late and stores well.

Paula Red - A late summer apple! Pleasingly tart flavor and good aroma. Great for baking, especially for applesauce.
Discovered in Sparta, Michigan!

Red Delicious - America’s most popular apple, known for the “five little bumps” on the bottom. Best for fresh eating and snacks. Full-flavored sweet taste, yellowish flesh and crisp texture. Discovered over 100 years ago in Iowa.

Rome - A big, round apple right out of storybooks! Romes have mild, sweet flavor. Most popular for baking because it holds flavor and shape well. A Southern favorite, although discovered in Ohio.

Winesap - Tart, tangy and juicy this extra firm apple not only tastes great, it looks great too! Used often in store displays and at home in wreaths and fruit bowls. Deep red color adds to the festive appeal of this true apple beauty.

Gala - Talk about a great apple: Crisp snappy bite over a mellow sweetness. Michigan’s 3rd most popular apple for fresh eating or cooking. Looks great, smells sweet, eats like a dream! Especially good early in the season.

Cortland - A hint of tartness makes this a great baking variety, used frequently in desserts. A descendent of the McIntosh, this variety is a bit sweeter than its ancestor. Known for its white flesh and excellent flavor.

McIntosh - Classic large, round apple for eating out of hand! Ultra-juicy white flesh, lightly tart flavor and excellent fresh apple aroma. A perky addition to salads. Excellent in applesauce and cider. Also used in pies.

Empire - An excellent lunchbox apple or crunch snack! Sweet and tart at the same
time. Use for fresh-cut slices, candy and caramel apples. Also used in baking. Texture remains very firm, a good storing apple. Popular in Great Britain.

Fuji - New to Michigan’s apple line-up, Fuji is Japan’s favorite apple for good reason! Fantastic sweet and tart flavor, with a low acid content. An incredibly good keeper, Fuji stays crisp for weeks!

Ginger Gold - This sweet-spicy apple has a succulent texture and rich taste. A cross
between the Golden Delicious and Albermarle Pippin. Its mildly tart flavor definitely gets the Michigan autumn apple harvest off to an exciting start.

Golden Delicious - A gingery-smooth, sweet taste treat lies under a thin skin. The most
popular yellow apple, Goldens may be eaten fresh or cut up in salads. Professional’s choice for applesauce or cider, baking pies and other desserts.

Honeycrisp - This apple is hot! And mighty crisp. Combines unusual color and
excellent sweet flavor with a great bite. Use it for fresh eating,
fresh-cut slices or cut up in salads.

Ida Red - Suits your every use! Eat fresh or for cooking. Taste is both tangy and tart. Flesh is white, crisp and juicy. Favored for sauces, pies and desserts. Texture holds up well when baked.

Jonagold - Make sure you try this one! Superbly crisp and juicy with shades of tart and sweet in each apple. Usually large and aromatic. Highly ranked by apple connoisseurs. Popular in Europe, but better from Michigan’s cooler climate.

Jonathan - Both pretty and popular! Used for fresh eating and cooking. Juicy flavor
has a spicy tang that blends well with other apples. Discovered in
Woodstock, NY!